Saturday, August 25, 2012

Grandma's Surprise

Last weekend we drove up to Alpine to surprise grandma Hansen. We dropped daddy off with grandpa Jenkins so he could go camping with him and you and I drove the rest of the way to Alpine. We had Chico with us too, but he was a good boy. You were a very good girl on the way up. Daddy and I have figured out that you travel best in the hate traveling at night! We stopped at grandma's school to first surprise her because she didn't even know we were coming. She was in tears and took you and showed you off to everyone at her school that she works with. That next day, your great grandma and grandpa came up to see us. They loved seeing us, and great grandpa loves to hold you on his lap. He had a long beard like Santa Clause and you loved to play with it with your hand. Grandma, me, and you then went shopping. I think you already love shopping like your are always so good to just sit in your car seat the whole time while we shop. That night we were supposed to celebrate my birthday with dinner with aunt Karon and uncle Cameron...but it ended up just being grandma, you, and I. We got Cafe Rio and just ate it at home. There are many times when I feel alone...but I know I have you with me and that makes me feel loved and valued. I think "well I have my baby girl here to be with and that's all that matters". Daddy came back that next day, and you got to see grandpa Jenkins for a while before we went home. Guess what. You slept the WHOLE way home! 4 hours! I was so worried about leaving so late in the evening because I knew you didn't like to travel at night, but it was a blessing that you slept the entire time, then that whole night too. Thanks baby girl. You are getting to be such a good traveler :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

For My Girl

I wanted to start this blog for you to document our lives together as you are a baby. I hope in the future you will be able to read this and get an idea of how you were and what life was like while you are young. Mommy and daddy love you sooo much and you make us very happy. You are the center of our lives and we have been so blessed to be your parents. We know you have been sent to us from Heavenly Father and we are going to do all we can to be the best parents possible to you. Right now you are 6 1/2 months old. You are just learning to crawl and use your voice. You love to roll around all over the floor and scoot in your new walker. You are loved by so many people and everyone just adores you. You just are starting to get your first tooth- it is pretty sharp and you love to run your mouth along various things to make it feel better. You love to feel things and especially grab Chico and the kitties...then you end up with a bundle of hair in your hand, which you almost eat until mommy catches you and cleans it off. 
I love you so much Saylor Ann, and I hope you enjoy reading this blog in the future!